mercredi 26 février 2020

Kattch - Weightless

Just had the experience of listening to this album while watching a crackling fireplace.

It made my day just like it will make yours.

mercredi 19 février 2020

Spacious Sweep - FM Voltage

Welcome to the original soundtrack of the lost season of Miami Vice.

Alright I stole that line from a guy who bought the album on Bandcamp but still, it's a pretty accurate description.

Spacious Sweep's music never overstep its bounds, it's clear and well-defined, and it will take you to the beach, to the motel, to that dark alley, to all the places you need to go to find out who killed who and maybe even why they did it!

Constant quality and an atmosphere between a video game and an old detective TV show is exactly what you'll find if you press play.

Just do it, come on... you won't regret it.

mercredi 12 février 2020

Lemurian Folk Songs - Logos

Lemurian Folk Songs are a very talented band from Budapest, Hungary. Their special brand of sound will put you in the middle of the desert with an ample supply of mystical water and other crisps and delicacies to keep you alive.

A necessary heaviness is to be expected from their universe, it makes for a very rich and textured sound, with hypnotic vocals, otherworldly guitar licks and jams, a bass that transports to anywhere but here, drums that carry the lot.

If you have the opportunity to see them live or to buy their music, just do it. It's one of those times when a talented young band only needs you to keep up making excellent music.

Having said that, I'm going for the album...

And a t-shirt.

I like t-shirts.

See you again sometimes.