I have been honored with the opportunity to listen and download the brand new album from Kognitif in avant-première. I felt a genuine pleasure which has shaken my transdimensional ego. Then I listened to the album in question, which is just out of the oven today as you are reading this.
Okay so, for those who already know Kognitif and his music a bit, believe me when I say you won't be disappointed. For those who don't, prepare a little space in your top five for one of the best albums of the year.
Inventive, joyful, it's still the groovy trip-hop of before, sometimes catchy and dancefloor-friendly. Sometimes more downtempo, with multiple influences, a little less melancholic and deep than its two predecessors, if they really must be compared. While you're at it you can also listen (or listen again) to Monometric and My Space World, two jewels of contemporary trip-hop.
Soul food is proof (if any was needed) that free music has still years and years of existence ahead of itself. Where else would you find a 15-tracks album with a constant quality, without fillers, no bullshit, no flaws, for a price that you can name ?
Ladies and gentlemen, artists, producers, fans and managers, please continue sending me music in direct multilobe cerebral perfusion and I will very gladly tell you what I think about it in a lenghty article, and share it with the greatest number of people I can.
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